
HCI graduate with profound experience in design leadrship.

Coming from a background in architecture has moulded her understanding of how the comprehension of humans, design and innovation can be intertwined to facilitate people. Her curiosity lies in investigating user-centred design within a real-world context through multidisciplinary approaches.

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Physical Prototype
Interaction/UX Design
UX Research

Team (Solo)

Tan Kangpanichkul


Physical Protoyping
Low and Mid-Fidelity Prototype
User Testing
3D Modelling
3D Printing
Laser Cutting
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Space Intimacy

What if intimacy could be fostered without the direct involvement of another human, influencing from our everyday surroundings—such as the built environment?

Space Intimacy-Overview
Space Intimacy-ProxemicsSpace Intimacy-ProxemicsSpace Intimacy-Proxemics
Space Intimacy-Research Question
Space Intimacy-Background Research
Space Intimacy-Surveys
Space Intimacy-Design Methodology
Space Intimacy-First Iteration
Space Intimacy-Second Iteration
Space Intimacy-Medium-Fidelity Prototype
Space Intimacy-Prototype ImagesSpace Intimacy-Final User Testings, Data Colletion&Analysis
Space Intimacy-Research Findings
Space Intimacy-Research Findings
Space Intimacy-Conclusion
Space Intimacy-Reflection


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Sutakorn Kangpanichkul
(+44) 77 690 72584
(+66) 61 514 5155